Friday, 14 December 2012

Dynamic CREATE TABLE scripts

Not taking credit for this, but I really like the code and have not come across this sort of thing before.... Basically, if you want to generate CREATE TABLE scripts for multiple tables, or just on-the-fly this will save you....
select  'create table [' + + '] (' + o.list + ')' + CASE WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE 'ALTER TABLE ' + so.Name + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + tc.Constraint_Name  + ' PRIMARY KEY ' + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, Len(j.List)-1) + ')' END
from    sysobjects so
cross apply
        '  ['+column_name+'] ' + 
        data_type + case data_type
            when 'sql_variant' then ''
            when 'text' then ''
            when 'decimal' then '(' + cast(numeric_precision as varchar) + ', ' + cast(numeric_scale as varchar) + ')'
            else coalesce('('+case when character_maximum_length = -1 then 'MAX' else cast(character_maximum_length as varchar) end +')','') end + ' ' +
        case when exists ( 
        select id from syscolumns
        where object_name(id)
        and name=column_name
        and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1 
        ) then
        'IDENTITY(' + 
        cast(ident_seed( as varchar) + ',' + 
        cast(ident_incr( as varchar) + ')'
        else ''
        end + ' ' +
         (case when IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL ' + 
          case when information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NOT NULL THEN 'DEFAULT '+ information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT ELSE '' END + ', ' 

     from information_schema.columns where table_name =
     order by ordinal_position
    FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
left join
    information_schema.table_constraints tc
on  tc.Table_name       = so.Name
AND tc.Constraint_Type  = 'PRIMARY KEY'
cross apply
    (select '[' + Column_Name + '], '
     FROM   information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
     WHERE  kcu.Constraint_Name = tc.Constraint_Name
     FOR XML PATH('')) j (list)
where   xtype = 'U'
AND name    NOT IN ('dtproperties')

Friday, 7 December 2012

While Loop - Cursor Alternative

I don't like cursors much. They're simple to write, easy to implement and good starting point for understanding loops. However, they are slow and memory-thirsty...(is that the right phrase?). So here is an example of using a simple WHILE loop which has the same behaviour as a cursor but it much faster and uses less memory than a cursor.

 DECLARE @RecordCount int
 DECLARE @RowCount int

 DECLARE @Field1 varchar(100)
 DECLARE @Field2 int
 DECLARE @Field3 char(2)

 select distinct IDENTITY(int,1,1) as ID, Field1, Field2, Field3into #loop from dbo.TableName order by ID DESC
 SET @RecordCount = (select max(ID) from #loop)
 SET @RowCount = 1

 WHILE @RowCount <= @RecordCount
  select @Field1 = Field1, @Field2 = Field2, @Field3 = Field3 from #loop where ID = @RowCount

  EXECUTE [dbo].[usp_RandomCodeToReplace] 

  SET @RowCount = @RowCount + 1



Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Sequence number (Rank function) in SSIS

This example takes a table from SQL Server, orders the columns and creates a Rank (or sequence number). Works well and I've used it many times. First drag a new DataFlow into your package:
Next write your SQL statement to gather your rows. Pay attention to the ordering. WK is the field I will be ranking on and WeekID is the field I will be partitioning on.
Now we have to tell SSIS that we have ordered the way we have (this circumvents the need for a Sort component, which is slow and inefficient). This has to be done for the 'Error Output' too.
Next we tell the package what order the fields are ordered in... In this case WK is sort position 1 and WeekID is position 2.
Next drag a Script Component on to the DataFlow.
Select the fields you want to work with in the code.
Add an new column that will contain the rank numbers.
Next click on 'Design' to add your code.
Here is the code you need to add:
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services user script component
' This is your new script component in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
' ScriptMain is the entrypoint class for script components

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

Public Class ScriptMain
    Inherits UserComponent

    Dim WeekID As Integer

    Dim Counter As Integer = 0

    Dim PrevWeekID As Integer

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

        WeekID = Row.weekID

        If WeekID = PrevWeekID Then
            Row.Rank = Counter + 1
            Counter = Counter + 1
            Row.Rank = 1
            Counter = 1
        End If

        PrevWeekID = Row.weekID

    End Sub

End Class

Rank and pick best record SQL

I used to use loops for this kind of thing. This is far more efficient.

    Field1, Field2, 
    Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY Field2 ORDER BY Field1 desc) AS Rank 
FROM dbo.TableName 
SELECT * from Table WHERE Rank = 1


Hope this helps.

Run an SSIS package on a remote server without SQL Agent

Situation: no SQL Agent, need to run SSIS package on a server remotely via a button-click event in a winforms app (C#).

This solution will run an SSIS package on a remote server while showing the progress in a multi-line textbox.  To do this effectively we will need to use a BackgroundWorker.

I used an executable called PsExec that is freely available to download.

To set up the logging, right click in your package ControlFlow and set up the logging to a SQL Server table.  This by default will be dbo.sysdtslog90 (for 2005 anyway; for 2008 it will be dbo.sysdtslog100 etc.).

PsExec allows for running command line routines on a remote server.  In this case I am calling a package through a command line routine using DtExec.  If you are unsure on DtExec please google it, I may do another post on it but it is pretty simple stuff and easy to work out.  PsExec simply allows you to pass a computer name that you would like to run the process on.

I start the PsExec, give it a computer name and pass in the Command Line routine to run a SSIS package.

The Background Worker then loops through the log table displaying the log results as the package runs.  Once an 'End of Package' log has been recorded the Background Worker stops. Simples.

If PsExec fails, or DtExec fails, you will also get an error message returned.  I was getting error code 128 for a while - it turned out the DBAs where remote desktoping on to the server and then not logging off, so there were too many users logged in.  Once I got them to log out all worked well.

private void RunSSISPackage()
                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionsClass.Server);

                string TruncateSQL = "truncate table dbo.sysdtslog90";

                SqlCommand TruncateCMD = new SqlCommand(TruncateSQL, conn);



                Process process = new Process();
                process.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Geoff.Parsons\My Documents\PsExec.exe";
                process.StartInfo.Arguments = "\\\\ServerName -d \"C:\\dtexec.exe\" /SQL PackageName /SERVER ServerName";
                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;


                string strOutput = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                string errOutput = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();

                if (!process.HasExited)


                if (errOutput != "")
                    if (!errOutput.ToString().Contains("dtexec.exe started on SERVERNAME with process ID"))

                BW = new BackgroundWorker();
                BW.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
                BW.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
                BW.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(BW_DoWork);
                BW.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(BW_ProgressChanged);
                BW.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(BW_RunWorkerCompleted);


            catch (Exception ex)
This DoWork event loops through a select query to return new rows. I added a column to sysdtslog90 called 'Logged' which I populated each time a row was read to prevent repeating lines from the log table. On the front-end of the application I have a multi-line textbox called PackageResultTB.

private void BW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BW.ReportProgress(0, "Loading Package...");

            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionsClass.Server);

            bool Continue = true;
            while (Continue)
                string SqlQuery = "select id,event,source,message,datacode, Logged from dbo.sysdtslog90 order by id";
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlQuery, conn);
                da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt.Columns["id"] };

                string Update = "";

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    if (row["message"].ToString().Contains("End of package"))
                        Continue = false;
                    if (row["Logged"].ToString() == "")
                        BW.ReportProgress(0, "\r\n" + row["event"].ToString() + "\r\n        " + row["source"].ToString() + "\r\n        " + row["message"].ToString() + " - " + row["datacode"].ToString() + "%\r\n");
                        Update = string.Format("Update dbo.sysdtslog90 set Logged = 'TRUE' where id = '{0}'", row["id"].ToString());
                        UpCmd = new SqlCommand(Update, conn);


private void BW_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)

private void BW_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                //Catch any errors
                if (e.Error != null)
            catch (SystemException ex)

Creating SSIS package from C# application

Unusual one this.  Had a need to truncate about 70 Raw Files after a large ETL process.  There is no specific task in SSIS, but you can set a DataFlow up that passes no rows to the destination and this will sort the problem out. 

Rather than making 70+ DataFlows I initially used a loop, go through each raw file and truncate it - but this changed the meta-data each time (as RawFiles don't use connections) and caused a lot of validation errors.  I could have delayed validation on the tasks, but this would have taken a very long time to go through 10+ packages looking for the use of the raw files.

Instead I chose to create a class in C# that would loop through all the RawFiles in a folder and create a bespoke DataFlow for them within a new package.

The code creates a new package, then uses a class to return a new DataFlow task in a loop.

The DataFlow consists of a RawFile Source followed by a Conditional Split and a RawFile Destination.
The conditional split creates an output with the condition "1 == 0"; as 1 will never equal 0 it will never pass a row so will truncate the RawFile without affecting the meta-data.

This is my class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using wrap = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using System.Xml;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

namespace SpaceApp_v0._1.Classes
    public class RawFileCleanUp

        public TaskHost SSISPackage(Package package, Executable dataFlowTask, string DataFlowTaskName, string RawFileLocation)
            //// Add DataFlow
            TaskHost taskHost = dataFlowTask as TaskHost;
            taskHost.Name = DataFlowTaskName;

            MainPipe pipeline = taskHost.InnerObject as MainPipe;

            //// Add RawFile Source
            IDTSComponentMetaData90 rawSource = pipeline.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
            rawSource.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.RawSource.1";
            rawSource.ValidateExternalMetadata = true;
            IDTSDesigntimeComponent90 rawSourceDesignTimeComponent = rawSource.Instantiate();
            rawSource.Name = "RawFile Source";

            rawSourceDesignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 0);
            rawSourceDesignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("FileName", RawFileLocation);


            //// Add Conditional Split to drop ALL rows
            IDTSComponentMetaData90 conSplit = pipeline.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
            conSplit.ComponentClassID = "DTSTransform.ConditionalSplit";
            conSplit.Name = "Conditional Split";
            conSplit.Description = "Conditional Split Transform";

            CManagedComponentWrapper splitWrapper = conSplit.Instantiate();

            //// Connect RawFile Source to Split
            IDTSPath90 path = pipeline.PathCollection.New();
            path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(rawSource.OutputCollection[0], conSplit.InputCollection[0]);

            //// Configure split
            IDTSOutput90 splitOutput = splitWrapper.InsertOutput(DTSInsertPlacement.IP_BEFORE, conSplit.OutputCollection[0].ID);
            splitOutput.Name = "Split Output 1";
            splitOutput.Description = "Passes zero rows out";
            splitOutput.IsErrorOut = false;

            IDTSInput90 splitInput = conSplit.InputCollection[0];
            IDTSInputColumnCollection90 splitInputColumns = splitInput.InputColumnCollection;
            IDTSVirtualInput90 splitVirtualInput = splitInput.GetVirtualInput();
            IDTSVirtualInputColumnCollection90 splitVirtualInputColumns = splitVirtualInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection;

            string ConColumn = "";
            int columnCount = splitVirtualInputColumns.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    ConColumn = splitVirtualInputColumns[i].Name;

            splitWrapper.SetOutputProperty(splitOutput.ID, "EvaluationOrder",0);
            splitWrapper.SetOutputProperty(splitOutput.ID, "FriendlyExpression", "1 == 0");

            //// Add RawFile Destination
            IDTSComponentMetaData90 rawDestination = pipeline.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
            rawDestination.ComponentClassID = "DTSAdapter.RawDestination.1";
            rawDestination.ValidateExternalMetadata = true;
            IDTSDesigntimeComponent90 rawDestinationDeignTimeComponent = rawDestination.Instantiate();
            rawDestination.Name = "RawFile Destination";

            rawDestinationDeignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 0);
            rawDestinationDeignTimeComponent.SetComponentProperty("FileName", RawFileLocation);


            IDTSPath90 DestPath = pipeline.PathCollection.New();
            DestPath.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(conSplit.OutputCollection[0], rawDestination.InputCollection[0]);

            //// Connect Split to Destination
            IDTSInput90 rawInput = rawDestination.InputCollection[0];
            IDTSVirtualInput90 rawVInput = rawInput.GetVirtualInput();

            foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 vColumn in rawVInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)
                rawDestinationDeignTimeComponent.SetUsageType(rawInput.ID, rawVInput, vColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);

            ////Repeat connections and validate to ensure package will run first time with no warnings and proper metadata.



            return taskHost;





You may notice that I call the AcquireConnections, ReinitialiseMetaData and ReleaseConnections more than once.  This seem to relieve an issue I had with validation warnings after the package was saved.  With the code as it is you can run the package the instant it has been created.

This is the code to call the class:

You pick the folder that holds the RawFiles and let it run.  I would recommend changing the NewFileName or setting it to a variable like a text box, or even the original FolderBrowserDialog plus a new file name.

string Folder = "";

            FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowser = new FolderBrowserDialog();
            folderBrowser.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop;

            DialogResult result = folderBrowser.ShowDialog();
            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                Folder = folderBrowser.SelectedPath;

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Folder);

            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

            Package package = new Package();

            string RawFile = "";

            foreach (string file in files)
                RawFile = file.Substring(Folder.Length, file.Length - Folder.Length);
                RawFile = RawFile.Replace("\\", "");

                RawFileCleanUp rawFileClean = new RawFileCleanUp();

                Executable dataFlowTask = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask");

                TaskHost taskHost = rawFileClean.SSISPackage(package, dataFlowTask, RawFile, file);


            package.Validate(null, null, null, null);

            string NewFileName = Folder + "\\RawFileCleanUp.dtsx";

            XmlDocument myPkgDocument = new XmlDocument();
            package.SaveToXML(ref myPkgDocument, null, null);

            app.SaveToXml(NewFileName, package, null);

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Basic Cursor and Loop usage with examples

This is a basic cursor, useful for smaller amounts of data.  It enables you to carry out a query against each record independantly before moving on to the next one. 

declare @Parameter1 varchar(50)

declare @Parameter2 varchar(50)

declare cur_cursor cursor for (select fieldname1,fieldname2
                                                           from server.[database].[dbo].[table with data])

open cur_cursor

Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @Parameter1, @Parameter2

While @@fetch_status = 0


update table
set fieldname = @Parameter1
where otherfieldname = @Parameter2

Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @Parameter1, @Parameter2

close cur_cursor
deallocate cur_cursor

The following cursor uses dynamic SQL, which can allow you to add columns to a table, or deduce which columns you wish to query. 
declare @Parameter1 varchar(50)

declare @Parameter2 varchar(50)

declare @SQL nvarchar(4000)

declare cur_cursor cursor for (select fieldname1,fieldname2
                              from server.[database].[dbo].[table with data])

open cur_cursor

Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @Parameter1, @Parameter2

While @@fetch_status = 0


set @SQL = 'update tablename
                set fieldname = ''test' + @Parameter2 + '''
           where otherfield = ''' + @Parameter1 + ''''

exec sp_execute @SQL

Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @Parameter1, @Parameter2

close cur_cursor
deallocate cur_cursor

There will be more to follow with more detailed explanations, examples of loops for larger datasets and nested loops, after the weekend.

Any questions let me know.

Data-Driven Subcriptions in Standard Edition of SQL Server

Recently I was asked to come up with a solution where we could emulate the usefulness of a data-driven subscription without paying out for the Enterprise edition of SQL Server.  This was the result.

The idea is to create an ‘empty’ standard subscription in SSRS and then, using a stored procedure, manipulate the parameters and run the report.
First create a dummy subscription that isn’t scheduled to run:

Set the parameters and delivery information as above.  For now we will use only one parameter, but the stored procedure can easily be changed to accommodate as many as required.

Once the subscription is saved, you need to get the SubscriptionID from the report server. Use the following code:

c.Name AS ReportName,   
FROM ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] c
INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions s ON c.ItemID = s.Report_OID
INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule rs ON c.ItemID = rs.ReportID
AND rs.SubscriptionID = s.SubscriptionID
c.Name = 'Subscription Name'

You’ll need the SubscriptionID when calling the report.
Next create the following stored procedure that will be called to run the report(s):
(I found this SP on the internet, but can’t remember where so can’t credit where it’s due), either way it has a couple of changes and I hope it helps out other people)
USE [ReportServer]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[data_driven_subscription]    Script Date: 04/11/2012 16:38:33 ******/
ALTER   procedure [dbo].[data_driven_subscription_1_Param]
       ( @scheduleID uniqueidentifier,
         @TO varchar (2000) = ' ',
         @CC varchar (2000) = ' ',
         @BCC varchar (2000) = ' ',
         @ReplyTO varchar (2000) = ' ',
         @BODY varchar (8000) = ' ',
         @param1 varchar (256) = ' '

       @ptrval binary(16),
       @PARAMptrval binary(16),
       @TOpos int,
       @CCpos int,
       @BCCpos int,
       @RTpos int,
       @BODYpos int,
       @PARAM1Pos int,
       @length int,
       @subscriptionID uniqueidentifier

       -- set the subscription ID
       SELECT @subscriptionID = SubscriptionID
       FROM ReportSchedule WHERE ScheduleID = @scheduleID
       -- set the text point for this records Email info
       SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(ExtensionSettings)
       FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

       -- set the text point for this records Parameter info
       SELECT @PARAMptrval = TEXTPTR(Parameters)
       FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              -- set the start position for the TO Address
              SELECT @TOpos = patindex('%|EmailTO|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

                     IF isnull(@TOpos, '') <> '' and @TOpos > 0 and len(@To) > 0
                           -- change the TO address
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the CC Address
              SELECT @CCpos = patindex('%|CarbonCopy|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

                     IF isnull(@CCpos, '') <> '' and @CCpos > 0 and len(@CC) > 0
                           -- change the TO address
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings
              -- set the start position for the BCC Address
              SELECT @BCCpos = patindex('%|BlindCopy|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

                     IF isnull(@BCCpos, '') <> '' and @BCCpos > 0 and len(@BCC) > 0
                           -- change the TO address
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the REPLY TO Address
              SELECT @RTpos = patindex('%|ReplyTo|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

                     IF isnull(@RTpos, '') <> '' and @RTpos > 0 and len(@ReplyTO) > 0
                           -- change the REPLY TO address
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the BODY Text
              SELECT @BODYpos = patindex('%|Comment|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
                     IF isnull(@BODYpos, '') <> '' and @BODYpos > 0 and len(@BODY) > 0
                           -- change the REPLY TO address
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the Parameter 1
              SELECT @PARAM1Pos = patindex('%|Parameter1|%', Parameters) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              IF isnull(@PARAM1Pos, '') <> '' and @PARAM1Pos > 0 and len(@parameter1) > 0
                           -- change the Parameter 1 value
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters

       -- run the job
       exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name = @scheduleID

       -- this give the report server time to execute the job.
       -- there is probably a better way to do this, so let me know if you know it ...
       WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'

       -- now change everything back so you can run this again

              -- set the start position for the TO Address
              SELECT @TOpos = patindex('%' + @TO + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@TO)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |TO|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the TO Address
              SELECT @CCpos = patindex('%' + @CC + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@CC)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |CC|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the TO Address
              SELECT @BCCpos = patindex('%' + @BCC + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@BCC)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |BC|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the REPLY TO Address
              SELECT @RTpos = patindex('%' + @ReplyTO + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@ReplyTO)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |RT|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the BODY Text
              SELECT @BODYpos = patindex('%' + @BODY + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@BODY)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |BD|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings

              -- set the start position for the Parameter
              SELECT @PARAM1Pos = patindex('%' + @parameter1 + '%', Parameters) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID
              SELECT @length = len(@param1)

        IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |P1|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters

You’ll notice the name of the SP ends with ‘1_Param’.  To add more use the following code in the relevant part of the SP:
              -- set the start position for the Parameter 2
              SELECT @PARAM2Pos = patindex('%|Parameter2|%', Parameters) - 1
              FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

             IF isnull(@PARAM2Pos, '') <> '' and @PARAM2Pos > 0 and len(@parameter2) > 0
                           -- change the Parameter 1 value
                           UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters

                SELECT @length = len(@param2)
         IF @length > 0
                     -- replace the addresses with the original |P2|
                     UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters

It would be prudent to create a few versions of this SP with carrying numbers of parameters to meet all your needs.
The next SP is the one that runs and controls your new data-driven subscription capabilities.

declare @ReportParameter varchar(50)
declare @email_address varchar(255)
declare cur_cursor cursor for (select report_parameter,email_address

                                          from server.[database].[dbo].[tablewith data])
open cur_cursor
Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @ReportParameter, @email_address
While @@fetch_status = 0

exec data_driven_subscription_1_Param
@scheduleID = 'FE98A2D4-4430-4D5C-806C-717470CB1332',
@TO = @email_address,
@CC = '',
@BCC = '',
@ReplyTO = '',
@BODY = 'Hello testing 123',
@param1 = @ReportParameter

Fetch Next from cur_cursor into @ReportParameter, @email_address
close cur_cursor
deallocate cur_cursor

This cursor uses a table directly, but you can create any complicated query you wish to determinethe parameters and emails, just as you would with a normal data-driven subscription.
Notice the @scheduleID – this is the scheduleID you collected after you saved the standard report subscription.

The above code can either be turned into an SP, or placed directly into a SQL Agent Job.

Once you have an Agent job to run this procedure you can schedule it when and as required.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.