Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Simplified Modulo in SSIS

OK, last modulo post was rather meandering and overly complex for most people to use. I wrote it mostly for my reference in the future to jog my memory and didn't have the time to go into great detail on how to implement that solution.

Next time I design a large Slowly Changing Dimension I may post it up step by step in greater detail.

With that in mind I thought I'd post a simpler to understand and implement example.

The Algorithm works as follows:

instead of this -
select * from MyLargeTable

Use this query -
select * from MyLargeTable
where (ID %3) = 0

The '3' after the percentage sign dictates how many sections to split the table into and the '= 0' dictates which selection we are selecting. It is a zero-based index.

A simple implementation in SSIS looks like this:

Each OLE DB Source contains the same SQL query as before, but each one uses a different part of the zero-based index (the clue is in the name of the OLE DB Source!).

So there we are - a really simple solution I quarantee will GREATLY improve the speed of large SQL imports, and will also improve the performance of a large dimension when implemented in a bit more context than I had time to write.

N.B. The 'OPTION (MAXDOP 1)' part does something with the processes I can't remember, but I think it's related to running asynchronously and improves performance. Look it up.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Large Tables/Dimensions and the Modulo Algorithm in SSIS

While working in a limited memory environment I needed to be frugal with the amount of RAM a package would take up. To this end, I had a Slowly Changing Dimension that contained about a million records, which when running on a 32 machine would crash and run out of memory part-way through.

This also applied to large transformations, where although I didn't run out of memory, going to capacity greatly slowed the process down.

What I found to ease these troubles is the Modulo Algorithm. By using this to split the data, or in the case of the dimension to process smaller chunks, is that performance and in fact the ability to complete the processing at all was greatly improved!

Here's an example of how to implement it in a simple enough Slowly Changing Dimension:

Let's start with the data. A large dimension of changing size (new records can be added at anytime - especially with a customer, client or address dimension). Limited RAM (2GB per transaction) with an optimal and easily controlled 10,000 records processed with each iteration.

I will use a For Loop Container to loop through each iteration. To work out the number of iterations I will divide the number of records in the dimension by 10,000 and round this UP to the nearest integer.

We want to create a table in our database that will hold each iteration of records - I make this table on the fly each time, so I can use it for multiple packages and tables.

Drag an Execute SQL Task onto the DataFlow and set the ResultSet to 'None'. Set the SQL to the following:

   AND TABLE_NAME = 'Modulo_Temp'))

DROP TABLE dbo.Modulo_Temp




CREATE TABLE dbo.Modulo_Temp
(Field1 int,Field2 varchar(100))


The CREATE TABLE part of the query needs to match the structure of the relational table used to match to the existing dimension.

Create two variables called 'Iterations' and 'CurrentIteration' as below:

Drop a script task in to your Control Flow, add in the below SQL Statement, set the ResultSet to SingleRow and map the ResultSet to variable 'Iterations'.

select (count(ID) / 10000) + 1
from dbo.TableName

Next drop a For Loop Container into the Control Flow and set it up as below:

Here's a close up of the configuration:

Not the best picture quality so:
InitExpression : @CurrentIteration

EvalExpression : @CurrentIteration <= @Iterations

AssignExpression : @CurrentIteration = @CurrentIteration + 1

Next add an Execute SQL Task into the Loop and set the SQL to:

TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Modulo_Temp

Now here's the fun part! We will now use the Modulo Algorithm to split the source table into chunks of 10k records. We will treat each 10k chunk as it's own dimension.

You can use the Slowly Changing Dimension task provided with Integration Services, but I prefer the Kimball method one available on CodePlex. It allows a lot more customisation, is faster and works well with this task as you can set your own dimension source using SQL, rather than just pointing to a table in the database. This facet is key as we need to restrict the dimension records to the ones contained within our 10k chunks of each iteration.

Drag a DataFlow component into the ForLoop.

In the DataFlow add an OLE DB Source. Add a variable called 'SourceSQL' with a data type of string. In the properties set 'Evaluate as Expression' to TRUE. In the expression write your select statement for your source table, but add in the Modulo part as below:

FROM dbo.SourceTable
WHERE (pID % " + (DT_WSTR,10)@[User::Iterations]  + ") =  " + (DT_WSTR,10)@[User::CurrentIteration]  + "

Next we need to set our Existing Dimension source. Simply modify the code the below to meet your requirements.

from dbo.ExistingDimension
where YourBusinessKey in (select ID from dbo.Modulo_Temp)

This code will restict the records in the dimension to only those 10k you pulled through from the source code. Attach your Slowly Changing Dimension task to these two inputs as you normally would and BINGO!!

N.B. Do not use the Delete/Missing outputs from the Slowly Changing Dimension tasks as this will not work. I'll leave you to work out why!

Round up of Modulo:
Add (IDField % 5) to split table into 5 chunks. On to this add what part of the table you want like so: (IDField % 5) = 0. It uses zero based index for the chunks.

I have also seen this technique used to greatly improve the speed of large imports from SQL. Create 3 OLE DB Sources in one DataFlow, each one taking a third of the table to be imported and union them together. Much faster than one source.

I know this post is quite brief, and skips a few things, but it meant for basic guidance rather than instructions. Always experiement and play around.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Hanging SSIS Packages

Been having some problems with Integration packages hanging, so thought I'd share some common bloopers to avoid in your development.

NEVER use the same table as OLE DB Source AND Destination in the same DataFlow.  When the package tries to write out to the table, it will be locked by the package trying to extract records. Seems simple enough, but I have fallen for it in the past!

NEVER do the same as above using Raw Files.  Similar reasons.  In fact don't do it for any connection/desintation. 

I never recieved a single error message, just hanging packages and a lot of frustration once I realised what I was doing.

Integration Services will also be affected by general locks on the SQL Server, so be careful how you manage access to the tables and locking in general.  For example, don't try and add to a Fact Table while a cube is processing - sounds simple unless you have a lot of schedules and haven't kept track of your timings (Only happened to me in testing BTW!).
Things to look out for:

Memory usage - large sorts can use up all available memory and stall a package.

CPU usage - can cause bottle-necks in large packages.

Bottle-necks in general - can slow a package down so much it looks 'hung'; check engine threads, Default BufferMaxRow and DefaultBufferSize for large DataFlows.  Consider using BufferTempStoragePath, which can help free-up memory.  I have used this quite successfully while processing large dimensions.  Also consider splitting the DataFlow into chunks.

I'll do a post on this in the next couple of days:-  using the Modulo Algorithm to split a dimension, so when the Slowly Changing Dimension is running, we are only using a section of the dimension at a time.

Currently I am working on a mystery hanging package.

Task 1 (DataFlow): Imports 10 million records to a table.

Task 2 (Execute Package Task): Runs a small package containing a Slowly Changing Dimension.

Task 3 (Raw File Sourced DataFlow): Transforms some data.

Always hangs on Task 3.

Moved Task 2 to Task 6; improves performance by changing the task that hangs to task 15.

Still working on this one...