Thursday, 7 February 2013

Embed Console Window in Winform Application

This has been bugging me for a while now.

I use TelNet to pass commands to a Unix box.  I wanted to embed the TelNet interface into a Winform application.

I concentrated on embedding a console app within the winform app. WRONG.

I used TelNet libraries and messed around looking to use RichTextBoxes. WRONG.
Well. Probably not that wrong, they mostly worked but weren't very good.

Here is what I have done:

Process TelNet = new Process();

TelNet.StartInfo.FileName = "TelNet.exe";


If you need any more clarification please leave.

This prevents cross-thrreading issues, launching new applications and all sorts of problems.

It works for me.  I know it's simple.  It's all I require.

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